Monday, April 14, 2014

Crawling out of my skin

Right now I literally feel like I'm crawling out of my skin.  I've been feeling this way since before my psychiatrist appointment today and that was three hours ago.  I don't know how to make the feeling stop!  I don't know why I'm so anxious!  

My doctor suggested I don't go back to work full time yet so that decision has been made, no reason to be anxious over that.

I have rehearsal tonight, but I'm only there for a little bit because I don't have a big role.  No reason to be nervous...

My friend is going to inpatient tomorrow...sad panda.  It's possible I'm feeling anxious for her...I do that a lot - take on people's problems and feelings.

I'm planning out my next album, which I decided is going to be about recovery.  That's exciting, but it can be anxious producing...but I'm in the beginning phase of it so would I really be anxious about this?  Maybe....right now I'm mostly just conceptualizing, figuring out songs I want to cover and reading through old lyrics for my originals.

There are auditions tonight and tomorrow for an upcoming show, but since I can't be there I already auditioned so I don't need to be nervous about not being at auditions...but the waiting game is terrible.  Anticipatory anxiety?  Most likely yes.

It's almost dinner time and feeling anxious already doesn't really start me off on the right foot.  Am I hungry right now?  Of course not.  The thought of eating anything turns my stomach, but I need to eat sooner rather than later since I have rehearsal tonight.

Do I have to eat?  Yes...unfortunately.  Do I have to like it that I have to eat?  No...but that doesn't make it any better.  

Seriously, why does this have to be so hard?

I don't know...ugh...

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